Zen Shiatsu

This Japanese massage literally means “finger pressure”. Shiatsu is traditionally performed on the floor. The receiver comfortably lying on a futon keeps his clothes on because this manual technique is performed without oil.
Shiatsu massage consists of pressure applied with the thumbs or the palm of the hands to acupuncture points called Tsubo. It also combines different kind of techniques including shaking, rotating, stretching…

This oriental manual art is based on the Yin - Yang concept of the Tao philosophy. The aim is to maintain or to restore the balance into the 12 meridians. An obstruction in the movement of these energetic lines is like a dam on a river. The stagnation of the Ki, the life energy, causes physical discomfort and sometimes diseases. The pressure on specific points helps to re-establish the regular flow of Ki through the meridians.

The treatment promotes good health by strengthening the immune system. It is a form of prevention as well as a therapeutic solution to different kind of symptoms: back and neck pains, digestive problems, emotional stress, insomnia…